our services
We offer you effective consultation which can help you to make the most of the opportunities and can create value for your business by providing following consultation services:

Business Planning
A business plan helps a company evaluate future opportunities and commit to a particular course of action. A good business plan will set clear targets and objectives so that business performance can be monitored. Market conditions frequently change, so you need to resume and update your business plan regularly. A business plan is also a road map that provides directions so a business can plan its future and helps it avoid bumps in the road. By committing the plan to paper, all other options are effectively marginalized and the company is aligned to focus on key activities. The plan can assign milestones to specific individuals and ultimately help management to monitor progress. It can detail alternative future scenarios and set specific objectives and goals along with the resources required to achieve these goals. Intact management can help your organizations to improve performance, primarily through the analysis of existing business problems and development of plans for improvement.
Why should I have a business plan?
A good business plan will:
Provide a clear view of your business purpose and enable this to be communicated to partners and staff, to commit to a particular course of action,
Set clear targets and objectives so that business performance can be monitored
Clear-eyed analysis of your industry, including opportunities and threats
Plan for an uncertain future, forecast future impacts and contain procedures to ensure they do not threaten your business
Support growth and secure funding. Manage cash flow
Set out where you want to be in the future and how you will get there.
Marketing and sales
Marketing is the process of creating customers, and customers are the lifeblood of your business. Marketing objectives define what you want to accomplish through your marketing activities. One of the biggest challenges for businesses today is figuring out where to invest by determining which capabilities will be most impactful to customers. There are several important factors to consider when establishing effective marketing objectives. When setting objectives it is very important to ensure that your objectives are;
Achievable, and realistic
Time specific.
Customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and have higher expectations of organizations. Most companies have no shortage of ideas on how to improve the customer experience. Our consultation service will help you to perform new interaction models and enhancing channel capabilities, that allow you to plan, execute, track, and adjust all your marketing operations flexibly and efficiently.

Requirement & Training
Employing the right people for your business is the most important part of your organisation. It is essential to have a good recruitment process to attract the right kind of employees for your business needs. Your recruitment process should be cost effective as well as time effective
You can find good, qualified, reliable employees for your company if you have a successful hiring process. We provide HR advice and assistance to help employers to meet their needs and recruit the best possible candidates that will prove to be great assets to your business.
There are so many Benefits of Employee Training and Development at work place. Proper training at work place increases job satisfaction, motivation, morale among employee and Increases efficiencies in work processes, resulting in a financial gain.
Training and development provides both the individual and organisations as a whole with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment, not only it will lead to systematic work standards within the organisation but it will also cover employers legally and will help them grow business in every prospect. our consultants can help your business to achieve training goals which are essential for organisations to operate.
Financial risk analysis
Global concerns about financial risk have been increasing. Successful business growth requires timely and sufficient financing.
These are some of the risks that organizations have to face on their way to expansion.
Capital and cash availability
Interest rates
Creditworthiness, and securities
Derivatives' price volatility
Our risk consulting professionals identify the risks involved in capital/financing and investing activities and help our clients in monitoring these risks. We recognize that effective financial risk management increases profitability and shareholder value while reducing volatility. We recognize that there is a need to execute business wide risk strategies and recent global events suggest there has never been a more vital time to do so. Indeed outward pressures from the financial markets in which we operate are volatile and unpredictable. Whilst we adjust to these internal and external pressures we must still continue to meet our client’s expectations and build leading businesses with superior products and services.
Our consulting teams recognize and understand these complexities and can provide the industry and solutions expertise then enable risk executives to realize their visions for their risk functions. We deliver dominant risk strategies, bridging the risk across the entire business to ensure there is a company-wide strategy. We also review and improve existing risk processes, updating and modifying risk functions so they are working optimally.

Leadership Development and Advice
Explaining and understanding the nature of good leadership is probably easier than practicing it. Good leadership requires deep human qualities, beyond conventional notions of authority. In the modern age good leaders are an enabling force, helping people and organizations to perform and develop, which implies that a sophisticated alignment be achieved - of people's needs, and the aims of the organization.
Leadership and Management development takes many forms and the approaches that organizations adopt vary enormously. We believe, culture and leadership transformation begins with personal attentiveness and responsibility. We cannot transform the culture of the organization unless we as individuals are willing to examine and transform our own way of thinking and attitude. What is important is that the chosen approach must be fit for purpose and relevant to the competencies that are being developed.
We intact management Business Consultants believe, transforming the way we think and feel, how we handle problems, respond to challenge expands potential, raises accountability and initiates paradigm shifts of perspective, performance and possibility. The challenge for leadership in the modern age necessitates companies to familiarize quickly. To achieve this, employees in any company need to be outstanding individuals who are able to inspire and harness the energy of their people.
Change Management
Any business in today's fast-moving environment that is looking for the pace of change to slow is likely to be sorely disappointed. In fact, businesses should embrace change. Change is important for any organization because, without change, businesses would likely to lose their competitive edge and fail to meet the needs of what most hope to be a growing base of loyal customers.
We work with our clients to achieve the benefits of change – whether driven through extraordinary growth opportunities, market alignment, investor, merger, acquisition or downsizing. Change management requires thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. Our company takes the future of your business seriously. We support our clients in redesigning existing organization. Assessing all the elements of an organization and its operating environment and acting to bring them into alignment has given our clients outstanding results and allowing them to continuously perform well.

Forecourt Management
Intact management covers trade processes in forecourt management from sales to after-sales service to the company, for the requirement to offer their customers excellent service, while having to generate profits for the company at the same time. Our consultation will help the forecourt team to benefit from the information collected and analyzed by the system, this data helps them to make better business decisions and identify key areas to focus on to achieve further growth. Intact Management offers consulting expertise in the following areas relating to the Forecourt Management.
Efficient resource planning and scheduling advice
Data Management, Service Quality Control consultation
Revenue and cost analysis
Competitor analysis and the actions plan
Best practice training in forecourt management
Stock management and purchasing advice
Managing forecourt sales Records of fuel and stocks
Forecourt diligence Checklist functionality
Fuel management and orders advice
Idea management facilitation advice